
Pontoon is designed to be deployed on Heroku. To deploy an instance of Pontoon on Heroku, you must first create an app on your Heroku dashboard. The steps below assume you’ve already created an app and have installed the Heroku CLI.

For quick and easy deployment without leaving your web browser, click this button:


Pontoon uses several buildpacks in a specific order. They are (in order):

  1. heroku-buildpack-ssh for setting up the SSH keys necessary for committing to version control.

  2. The official heroku/nodejs buildpack for installing Node.js programs for pre-processing frontend assets.

  3. The official heroku/python buildpack as our primary buildpack.

You can set these buildpacks on your app with the following toolbelt commands:

# Note that we use add and --index 1 to append to the top of the list.
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/python
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1 heroku/nodejs
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1
heroku buildpacks:add --index 1

Environment Variables

The following is a list of environment variables you’ll want to set on the app you create:


Alternatively, you can put all variables below in a dotenv text file:

VAR="value 1"
OTHER_VAR="other value"

If you do so, you will only have to give the path of this file to Pontoon through the DOTENV_PATH environment variable:


Optional. Email address for the ADMINS setting.


Optional. Name for the ADMINS setting.


The default value is django, which allows you to log in via accounts created using shell. Set to ‘fxa’ if you want to use ‘Mozilla Accounts’ (corresponding FXA_* settings must be set). Set to ‘github’ if you want to use ‘GitHub’ (corresponding GITHUB_* settings must be set). Set to ‘gitlab’ if you want to use ‘GitLab’ (corresponding GITLAB_* settings must be set if required). Set to ‘google’ if you want to use ‘Google’ (corresponding GOOGLE_* settings must be set).


Optional. A comma-separated list of numeric thresholds for different levels of the Community Builder badge.


Optional. A comma-separated list of numeric thresholds for different levels of the Review Master badge.


Optional. Specifies the start date from which user activities count towards badge achievements. This variable should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.


Optional. A comma-separated list of numeric thresholds for different levels of the Translation Champion badge.


A comma-separated list of IP addresses or IP ranges (expressed using the CIDR notation, e.g. to be blocked from accessing the app, for example because they are DDoS’ing the server.


Controls whether asynchronous tasks (mainly used during sync) are sent to Celery or executed immediately and synchronously. Set this to False on production.


Maximum number of tasks a Celery worker process can execute before it’s replaced with a new one. Defaults to 20 tasks.


Optional. Default email address to send emails from. Default value: Pontoon <pontoon@hostname>.


Disables running ./ collectstatic during the build. Should be set to 1.

Heroku’s Python buildpack has a bug that causes issues when running node binaries during the compile step of the buildpack. To get around this, we run the command in our post-compile step (see bin/post_compile) when the issue doesn’t occur.


Controls DEBUG mode for the site. Should be set to False in production.


Signifies whether this is a development server or not. Should be False in production. Adds some additional django apps that can be helpful during day to day development.


SMTP host (default: '').


Password for the SMTP connection.


Username for the SMTP connection (default: 'apikey').


SMTP port (default: 587).


Use explicit TLS for the SMTP connection (default: True).


Use implicit TLS for the SMTP connection (default: False).


Optional. Enables Email consent page (default: False).


Optional, unless EMAIL_CONSENT_ENABLED is True. Title of the Email consent page.


Optional, unless EMAIL_CONSENT_ENABLED is True. Main text of the Email consent page. You can use that to explain what type of communication to expect among other things.


Optional. Privacy notice on the Email consent page. It’s possible to use HTML and link to external privacy notice page.


Optional. Help text to use under the Email communications checkbox in user settings. It allows to explain what type of communication to expect and to link to deployment-specific privacy notices among other things.


Optional. Text to be shown in the footer of the non-transactional emails sent using the Messaging Center, just above the unsubscribe text.


Optional. Custom text to be shown in the Monthly activity summary emails after the greeting and before the stats.


Optional. Enables Bugs tab on team pages, which pulls team data from Specific for Mozilla deployments.


Optional. Enables Insights pages, which present data that needs to be collected by the Collect Insights scheduled job. It is advised to run the job at least once before enabling the tab, otherwise the content will be empty. See the spec for more information.


Optional. URL to the page displayed to your users when the application encounters a system error. See Heroku Reference for more information.


Optional. Set your Google Analytics key to use Google Analytics.


Optional. Set your Google Cloud Translation API key to use generic machine translation engine by Google.


Optional. Set your Google Cloud AutoML Translation model ID to use custom machine translation engine by Google.


Optional. Number of months in which the contributor needs to log in in order not to receive the inactive account email. The default value is 6.


Optional. Number of months in which the locale translator needs to submit or review at least one translation in order not to receive the inactive account email. The default value is 2.


Optional. Number of months in which the locale manager needs to submit or review at least one translation in order not to receive the inactive account email. The default value is 2.


Optional. Enables logging to a file (default: False). This is useful for retaining log data for later analysis or troubleshooting.


Optional. URL to the page displayed to your users when the application is placed in the maintenance state. See Heroku Reference for more information.


Optional. Enable Sync button in project Admin.


Optional. The absolute path of the “media” folder the projects will be cloned into (it is located next to the “pontoon” Python module by default).


Optional. Set your Microsoft Translator API key to use machine translation by Microsoft.


Optional. Integer representing a day of the month on which the Monthly activity summary emails will be sent. 1 represents the first day of the month. The default value is 1.


Optional. API key for accessing the New Relic REST API. Used to mark deploys on New Relic.


Optional. Name to give to this app on New Relic. Required if you’re using New Relic.


Optional. Integer representing a day of the week on which the weekly notification digest email will be sent. 0 represents Monday, 6 represents Sunday. The default value is 4 (Friday).


Optional. The number of days to wait after user registration before sending the 2nd onboarding email. The default value is 2.


Optional. The number of days to wait after user registration before sending the 3rd onboarding email. The default value is 7.


Optional. Set your OpenAI API key to add the ability to refine machine translations using ChatGPT.


Optional. A list of project manager email addresses to send project requests to


Required. Must be set to python. Needed for Google AutoML Translation. Learn more on Protocol Buffers Homepage.


Required. Secret key used for sessions, cryptographic signing, etc.


Controls the base URL for the site, including the protocol and port. Defaults to http://localhost:8000, should always be set in production.


A list of strings representing the host/domain names the site can serve. Defaults to .localhost,, [::1], should always be set in production.


Contents of the ~/.ssh/config file used when Pontoon connects to VCS servers via SSH. Used for disabling strict key checking and setting the default user for SSH. For example:



SSH private key to use for authentication when Pontoon connects to VCS servers via SSH.


Changing the SSH_CONFIG or SSH_KEY environment variables requires a rebuild of the site, as these settings are only used at build time. Simply changing them will not actually update the site until the next build.

The Heroku Repo plugin includes a rebuild command that is handy for triggering builds without making code changes.


Some environment variables, such as the SSH-related ones, may contain newlines. The easiest way to set these is using the heroku command-line tool to pass the contents of an existing file to them:

heroku config:set SSH_KEY="`cat /path/to/key_rsa`"

Optional. Hostname to prepend to static resources paths. Useful for serving static files from a CDN. Example: //


Optional. Integer representing a day of the week on which the send_suggestion_notifications management command will run. 0 represents Monday, 6 represents Sunday. The default value is 4 (Friday).


Optional. Multiple sync tasks for the same project cannot run concurrently to prevent potential DB and VCS inconsistencies. We store the information about the running task in cache and clear it after the task completes. In case of an error, we might never clear the cache, so we use SYNC_TASK_TIMEOUT as the longest possible period after which the cache is cleared and the subsequent task can run. The value should exceed the longest sync task of the instance. The default value is 3600 seconds (1 hour).


Optional. Set your SYSTRAN Translate API key to use machine translation by SYSTRAN.


Optional. Description to be used in the header of the Terminology (.TBX) files.


Optional. Title to be used in the header of the Terminology (.TBX) files.


Optional. Enables traffic throttling based on IP address (default: False).


Optional. Maximum number of requests allowed in THROTTLE_OBSERVATION_PERIOD (default: 300).


Optional. A period (in seconds) in which THROTTLE_MAX_COUNT requests are allowed. (default: 60). If longer than THROTTLE_BLOCK_DURATION, THROTTLE_BLOCK_DURATION will be used.


Optional. A duration (in seconds) for which IPs are blocked (default: 600).


Timezone for the dynos that will run the app. Pontoon operates in UTC, so set this to UTC.


Optional. Default committer’s name used when committing translations to version control system.


Optional. Default committer’s email used when committing translations to version control system.


Pontoon is designed to run with the following add-ons enabled:

  • Database: Heroku Postgres

  • Log Management: Papertrail

  • Error Tracking:

  • Email: Sendgrid

  • Scheduled Jobs: Heroku Scheduler

  • Cache: Memcachier

  • RabbitMQ: CloudAMQP

It’s possible to run with the free tiers of all of these add-ons, but it is recommended that, at a minimum, you run the “Standard 0” tier of Postgres.

SendGrid Add-on

Pontoon uses SendGrid, which expects the following environment variable:


Use SendGrid API key.

Cache Add-on

Pontoon uses django-bmemcached, which expects the following environment variables from the cache add-on:


Semi-colon separated list of memcache server addresses.


Username to use for authentication.


Password to use for authentication.


By default, the environment variables added by Memcachier are prefixed with MEMCACHIER instead of MEMCACHE. You can “attach” the configuration variables with the correct prefix using the addons:attach command:

heroku addons:attach resource_name --as MEMCACHE

Replace resource_name with the name of the resource provided by the cache addon you wish to use, such as memcachier:100. Use the heroku addons command to see a list of resource names that are available.

RabbitMQ Add-on

Similar to the cache add-ons, Pontoon expects environment variables from the RabbitMQ add-on:


URL for connecting to the RabbitMQ server. This should be in the format for Celery’s BROKER_URL setting.


Again, you must attach the resource for RabbitMQ as RABBITMQ. See the note in the Cache Add-ons section for details.

Scheduled Jobs

Pontoon requires several scheduled jobs to run regularly.

Sync Projects

While internal Pontoon DB can be used for storing localizable strings, Pontoon specializes in using version control systems for that purpose. If you choose this option as well, you’ll need to run the following scheduled job:

./ sync_projects

It’s recommended to run this job at least once an hour. It commits any string changes in the database to the remote VCS servers associated with each project, and pulls down the latest changes to keep the database in sync.

The command supports the following options:

  • --force – Consider all version control repository files to have changed.

  • --no-pull – Do not pull new changes for version control repositories.

  • --no-commit – Do not commit and push any new changes to version control.

Send Deadline Notifications

Pontoon allows you to set deadlines for projects. This job sends deadline reminders to contributors of projects when they are due in 7 days. If 2 days before the deadline project still isn’t complete for the contributor’s locale, notifications are sent again. The command is designed to run daily.

./ send_deadline_notifications

Send Suggestion Notifications

This job sends notifications about newly created unreviewed suggestions that were submitted, unapproved or unrejected in the last 7 days. Recipients of notifications are users with permission to review them, as well as authors of any previous translations or comments of the same string. The command is designed to run on a weekly basis.

./ send_suggestion_notifications

Send Review Notifications

This job sends notifications about newly reviewed (approved or rejected) suggestions to the authors of those suggestions. The command is designed to run on a daily basis.

./ send_review_notifications

Send Notification Emails

This job sends notifications in daily and weekly email digests. Daily notifications are sent every time the command runs, while weekly notifications are sent only on the configured day (e.g., Friday).

./ send_notification_emails

Send Monthly Activity Emails

This job sends a summary of monthly activity to users via email. It is designed to run on a specific day of the month but can be forced to run at any time using the –force argument.

./ send_monthly_activity_emails

Send Onboarding Emails

Pontoon sends onboarding emails to new users. The first one is sent upon registration, while this job sends the 2nd and 3rd email. You can configure the number of days to wait before sending the 2nd and 3rd emails. The command is designed to run daily.

./ send_oboarding_emails

Send Inactive Account Emails

This command sends reminder emails to inactive users. Users in different roles get different emails based on different activity criteria, which can be configured in settings. The command is designed to run daily.

./ send_inactive_account_emails

Collect Insights

The Insights tab in the dashboards presents data that cannot be retrieved from the existing data models efficiently upon each request. This job gathers all the required data and stores it in a dedicated denormalized data model. The job is designed to run in the beginning of the day, every day.

./ collect_insights

Warm up cache

We cache data for some of the views (e.g. Contributors) for a day. Some of them don’t get a lot of visits, not even one per day, meaning that the visitors of these pages often hit the cold cache. We use this job to refresh data in the cache every day, because it changes often. The command is designed to run daily.

./ warmup_cache

Clearing the session store

When a user logs in, Django adds a row to the django_session database table. If the user logs out manually, Django deletes the row. But if the user does not log out, the row never gets deleted.

Django does not provide automatic purging of expired sessions. Therefore, it’s your job to purge expired sessions on a regular basis. Django provides a clean-up management command for this purpose: clearsessions. It’s recommended to run this command as a daily cron job.

./ clearsessions

Sync Log Retention

You may also optionally run the clear_old_sync_logs management command on a schedule to remove sync logs from the database that are over 90 days old:

./ clear_old_sync_logs

Provisioning Workers

Pontoon executes scheduled jobs using Celery. These jobs are handled by the worker process type. You’ll need to manually provision workers based on how many projects you plan to support and how complex they are. At a minimum, you’ll want to provision at least one worker dyno:

heroku ps:scale worker=1

Database Migrations

After deploying Pontoon for the first time, you must run the database migrations. This can be done via the toolbelt:

heroku run ./ migrate

Creating an Admin User

After deploying the site, you can create a superuser account using the createsuperuser management command:

heroku run ./ createsuperuser --user=admin

You’ll then be prompted to set a password for your new user.

If you’ve already logged into the site with the email that you want to use, you’ll have to use the Django shell to mark your user account as an admin:

heroku run ./ shell
# Connection and Python info...
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> user = User.objects.get(email='')
>>> user.is_staff = True
>>> user.is_superuser = True
>>> exit()

And with that, you’re ready to start Localizing your projects!